Streetscape Project Update

June 18, 2024

The sweltering heat is having no adverse effect on the subcontractor installing the new paver bricks downtown on both sides of Main Street. They should be finished with the paver bricks Wednesday, weather permitting.

Lake Erie Construction will be arriving later this week to repair decorative stop sign foundations and to install the decorative stop signs.

Later this month, Kokosing Construction will overlay the project with a couple inches of asphalt and a subcontractor will complete the striping of the centerline and parking spaces.

Once again, Mayor and Council would like to thank the entire Fredericktown community, but particularly the merchants, for their patience and cooperation throughout this project.

June 7, 2024

The concrete sidewalk has been completed on both sides of N. Main Street, from Sandusky Street to Mill Street. Two streetlights still need to be installed near Main and Mill/High, once the concrete foundations have had adequate time to cure.

Next week, the decorative stop signs are scheduled to be installed as are the paver bricks in the sidewalk, near the curb. Also, Kokosing is scheduled to pave the project in mid-June and that will take a few days. Street striping will take place about a week after paving and the center lines will be painted as will the parking spaces.

Once again, Mayor and Village Council would like to extend their gratitude to the entire Fredericktown community, but particularly to the merchants, for their ongoing patience and cooperation throughout this project.

May 31,2024

We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel as the project is beginning to take shape and slowly wind down.  New road sign posts have been installed on N. Main Street; new decorative stop sign foundations have been dug out and the concrete foundations have been poured; and the landscaping in front of InterChurch and Kokosing Park has been completed, including hydro-seeding.

Next week, the remaining street lights will be installed on their concrete foundations, decorative stop signs will be installed, and the remaining construction of the new concrete sidewalks should be completed.

Once again, Mayor and Council would like to thank the local merchants and the entire Fredericktown community for their patience with this ongoing project. Please continue to travel safely through the construction zone. The end is in sight now, but we sincerely appreciate your cooperation and understanding over the past 2 1/2 months.

May 24,2024

The old street lights have all been removed by the power company, as have the overhead powerlines, which provided electric to the old street lights. All but two of the new street lights have been installed and are operating every evening from dusk till dawn. Landscaping was partially completed this week, as was Hydro Seeding.

The two remaining street light foundations were poured and the additional two new street lights will be installed next week. The contractor is still waiting for the decorative stop signs to arrive so they can get them installed. The additional sidewalk is scheduled to be poured next week.

Once the rest of the project is completed, the asphalt overlay will be completed and new street stripes and parking spaces will be painted. Trees will be planted along both sides of N. Main Street in the fall.

The new street lights look great after dark and it gives the downtown area a whole new look. The project is starting to come together and will only look better virtually each week until it’s completed this summer.

Once again, Mayor and Council would like to thank the local merchants, the residents, and the entire Fredericktown community for their ongoing patience on this endeavor. It is really coming along nicely and will be beautiful when it’s finished.

MAY 10, 2024

To some, this may sound like a broken record. However, the contractors are moving along well on the project and getting near completion of the concrete work (sidewalks, curb, ramps and foundation for new streetlights) and the underground cable installation work is almost completed as well.

Next week, Miller Cable hopes to begin installing the new street lights. Then once AEP electrifies the new lights, the old streetlights will be moved by AEP. Within the next week or two, a subcontractor will also begin removing old street signs and installing decorative street signs.

The landscaper will also begin with landscaping work, including possibly getting trees planted before summer. The goal was to have the project substantially completed by Memorial Day and completely finished by July 4.

Once again, Mayor & Council and the workers themselves would like to thank the entire Fredericktown Community for their patience during this construction endeavor. The end is in sight!

APRIL 26, 2024

The Streetscape Project continues to move along nicely, in spite of some occasional rainy weather. Substantially more sidewalk was poured this past week, as were wheelchair ramps, and curb. Smith Paving & Excavation hopes to have the concrete work virtually completed by early next week.

When the project is finished, the electrical contractor will have pulled some 25,000 linear feet of cable through the newly installed underground conduit. The electrical cable will electrify the street lights and the electrical outlets throughout the downtown area. The new street lights should be installed later this month, then AEP will remove their old “cobra-head style” street lights from downtown. Please see the pictures of the existing lights that will be removed and the new lights that will be installed.

Once again, Mayor & Council, ODOT, and the workers all greatly appreciate the ongoing patience and understanding of the Fredericktown Community, particularly that of the merchants, their customers, and the downtown property owners. Change is difficult and this has been a tremendous sacrifice for the downtown community, in general. However, this will be a beautiful project for the entire Fredericktown Community upon completion.

Please continue to drive with caution through the downtown work zone and thank you for bearing with us.

APRIL 19, 2024

Substantially more sidewalk, curb and asphalt were removed and replaced this past week on both sides of North Main Street and on W. First Street as well. Underground conduit was also installed as the vast majority of above-ground electric lines have been removed. New light pole foundations are being constructed for the decorative light poles. Next week, the contractor will continue with these items.

Smith Paving & Excavating is still confident that the project will be virtually complete by Memorial Day Weekend. The asphalt overlay and paint-striping will likely be completed after Memorial Day Weekend, but it will be really nice to have the other components of the Streetscape finished next month.

The downtown businesses should all be accessible (walking) beginning Saturday, April 20th, so please feel free to patronize local businesses now that the concrete work is getting closer to completion. Mayor and Village Council greatly appreciate the sacrifices and flexibility shown on the part of the downtown business community.

APRIL 12, 2024

Smith Paving has switched over to the east side of N. Main Street and continued removing existing sidewalk on the east and poured a great deal of new sidewalk on the west side of Main Street this past week. Miller Cable has removed traffic light poles, traffic lights, cable/wire, and pole foundations throughout the downtown area. Also, abandoned coal chutes have been mitigated and back-filled under the subgrade for the sidewalk.

Smith Paving plans on pouring concrete next week where they have removed sidewalk and curb, particularly on the east side of North Main Street. They also hope to remove storm infrastructure and additional sidewalk next week. Miller Cable will continue to work behind them, pouring street light pole foundations on both sides of Main Street. Miller Cable plans on installing new street lights within the next two weeks. Once the new lights are energized, the old street lights will be removed and the remaining new sidewalk and light pole foundations will be poured.     

Smith Paving has indicated that they still plan on wrapping most of this project up by Memorial Day Weekend, which would be ideal. Kokosing may perform the asphalt work later in the summer, but the rest of the construction will likely be completed by Memorial Day Weekend, if the spring weather cooperates.

Motorists may park on either side of Main Street where there is no construction prohibiting such parking. Mayor and Council greatly appreciate the sacrifice the merchants and the entire community is making in allowing this construction to continue safely. Thank you all for your patience during this construction.

APRIL 5, 2024

This past week’s weather set the project back a bit, but today the crew was able to get the majority of the concrete poured on the west side and they plan to start the east side of Main Street on Tuesday. Monday the crew will be off, due to the solar eclipse.

Miller Cable was able to remove traffic on signals as most local pedestrians and motorists likely noticed, and the sub-contractor began work on installing underground conduit to power the new decorative lighting. 

Tuesday the contractor plans to start on the east side of N. Main Street. They’ll begin on the south end and work their way north. They are going to remove all of the sidewalk, then pour back the 7′ or so initially against the buildings downtown. This will most likely take place later next week if weather permits. The foreman will touch base with all of the businesses to let them know.

Once again, on behalf of the contractor, Mayor and Council want to thank the entire community for their patience and for using extra caution when walking/driving through the construction area downtown.

MARCH 28, 2024

Smith Paving has made a great deal of progress on the Streetscape Project in just two weeks. They have removed hundreds of feet of existing sidewalk and curb and they have begun to install new curb.

We are pleased that motorists have adjusted well to the new four-way stops at all three intersections, which makes it safer for motorists and pedestrians alike. Numerous local residents have commented that traffic downtown seems calmer overall with the four-way stops.

The contractor plans on removing all traffic lights next week so they can begin installing underground electric lines for the new decorative street lights. The existing streetlight poles and unsightly overhead electric lines will eventually be removed.

This project is a big change for the downtown corridor and Mayor and Council fully understand that, and thus, greatly appreciate the patience and understanding of the entire Fredericktown Community, but particularly that of the merchants. We will continue to work with both Smith Paving and the Ohio Department of Transportation in keeping the community apprised of progress on this project.

MARCH 22, 2024

This past week, Smith Paving worked on removing sidewalk and curb on the west side of N. Main Street. Traffic lights were switched to red-flashing in all four directions. In addition, stop-signs were installed in all four directions at all three intersections as well.

Next week, the contractor plans on continuing work on the west side of Main Street, and they will be filling abandoned underground coal shoots in front of the buildings as well. If weather permits, they hope to begin pouring curb on the west side. They will also be working on coal shoots on the East side in front of some buildings. These abandoned coal shoots must be filled with gravel so they don’t create a sinkhole at any point in the future. In other words, we don’t want to remove downtown sidewalks again in our lifetime, unless absolutely necessary. 

We have had complaints about motorists running stop signs and flashing red lights downtown. Please be advised that the police are patrolling the downtown area for your safety and may indeed issue citations to those motorists that are caught not stopping for the lights and signs. Our goal is to experience absolutely no motor vehicle accidents throughout this project. It is essential to the workers, downtown pedestrians, and other motorists that we keep the construction zone as safe as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

MARCH 19, 2024


All three intersections on Main Street are now four-way stops.

MARCH 15, 2024

Smith Paving & Excavating will begin removing curb and gutter on the west side of N. Main Street next week. This past week, they focused on surveying and saw-cutting asphalt and concrete. We are happy to see the project get started, so the Streetscape construction will likely be completed sooner than we originally anticipated. Thank you all for your patience.

MARCH 14, 2024

Smith Paving & Excavating began surveying on March 11th and began construction on March 14th.

Two-way traffic will be maintained throughout the project.

Once Smith Paving & Excavating has finished with sidewalks, streetlights, etc., Kokosing Construction will re-pave Main Street, from Mill Street to Sandusky Street.

Smith Paving & Excavating will return later in the year to plant trees and finish cosmetic details.

Goal for the Streetscape project is to minimally impact businesses. However, there will be temporary closures for pouring of concrete, etc.

The Streetscape Project was made possible through an ODOT TAP Grant in 2019 which will cover $1.3 million of the $1.7 million project.